On 2011-11-04 22:26, Timo Sirainen wrote:
Nov  4 15:10:42 mail dovecot: imap (t...@aaaone.net): Error: Corrupted
transaction log file /mail/3340444/.TestMails/dovecot.index.log seq 2:
indexid changed 1320419300 ->  1320419441 (sync_offset=0)

Session A had TestMails open and created with index file whose ID was
1320419300 (that's also UNIX timestamp of its creation time, Fri Nov  4
17:08:20 EET 2011).

Session B came and recreated the index files 141 seconds later with ID
1320419441. Either it didn't see A's original index files for some
reason or it simply decided to recreate them for some reason. Either way
this shouldn't have happened.
> Session A then notices that the indexes were recreated, and logs an
> error.

Oh... wait a minute...

The timestamp is UTC, so 17:08:20 is about 2:22 before the log line.
2:22 is 142 seconds.
So... given that the errors doesn't appear every time the client runs the series of APPEND requests, but (now I come to think of it) probably never the first time he runs it, but the second time - and that he did run the script a few minutes before this log line with out errors, - then... the problem might be that the first run of the script doesn't finish correctly. If session A is the first run of the script, then it should have finished and logged out long before session B.
But maybe the problem is the first run not finishing properly.


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