I know the page. Do you mean I missed something there? What exactly?
On 24/09/11 8:00 PM, "Piotr NetExpert"<piot...@netexpert.pl> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I want to backup mailboxes to another server. A usage information for
dsync says "...<remote dsync command>". Does it mean I need dsync
installed on the other server too?
Now when I try to run dsync I receive:
# dsync -v -D -u abc backup ssh user@other.server
dsync(username): Debug: Effective uid=123, gid=123, home=/path/abc
dsync(username): Debug: maildir++: root=/path/abc, index=, control=,
dsync-local(abc): Debug: Namespace : Using permissions from /path/abc:
mode=0700 gid=-1
server: not found
dsync-local(abc): Error: read() from worker server failed: EOF
What could be wrong? How can I check what it wants to do and cannot? I
cannot find more information I need in a wiki page of dsync.
Piotr Szafarczyk