On 31.08.2011 18:55, Stanislav Klinkov wrote:

Thank you for sharing a very interesting experience, David.

It seemed like running ktpass multiple times invalidated the previous keytabs.
OK. Let us assume. But then how can you explain the fact that the
setting<<auth_gssapi_hostname = "$ALL">>  in dovecot config solves all
mentioned troubles at once?

As well I just have run the following experiment. I re-generated one
more keytab for service "imap/test.efim.local" only. So, it became the
last-generated key. Then I copied it onto my dovecot server as the only
"krb.keytab" file, and nothing changed.

Also, I issued the following command on my AD domain controller:
C:\Windows\system32>setspn -L dovecot

And the result was:
Registered ServicePrincipalNames for

Please note, that I have not apllied any magic to servicePrincipalName
of AD user "dovecot" by setspn or other AD snap-ins.

Early versions of ktpass only allowed only 1 serviceprincipialnames, thus every time you generate new it was overwrite old one. ktpass from win2008 seems fix this.

To make sure everything should work, hop on a box where you have a valid user 
Kerberos ticket and do kvno imap/efim.test.local and kvno smtp/efim.test.local.

Sorry, I might have not mentioned above. I run Mozilla Thunderbird on my
Windows XP workstation.

Can you do kinit -k imap/imap/efim.test.lo...@romashka.lan and then klist, does it work for you?

I do recommend tcpdump kerberos traffic between your client and server, this is usually helps me much better then any logging, flow easy to read in wireshark.

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