Angel L. Mateo writes:

I have a farm of dovecot 1.1 servers (debian lenny).  Mailboxes are in
Maildir format.
Is there any way to manually update indexes?

Does it worth? I mean...  Our problem is that mail is delivered via
dovecot lda, but, because we have a farm of servers, we don't guarantee
that mail is delivered through the same server that the user is using
for his imap connection, so the imap server could have this index
unupdated.  So I want to force an update (or at least nearly updated)
in order to have the index updated in all servers at the time the user
get to work.

Upgrading to Dovecot2 would allow you to solve this in
various ways:

        - use "doveadm force-resync"
        - user director to bind to a particular server

You could put the indices on a shared filesystem.

If neither an update nor shared indices are feasible, maybe you can
enable the master user feature, and run a script that logs in as each user
and do an IMAP operation that will force a resync of the INBOX indices.
For example,

        # On IMAP server with a localhost interface
        for u in $users; do
                echo "1 login $u*master masterpw\n2 SELECT INBOX\n3 logout" | \
                nc 143

Joseph Tam <>

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