On Sun, 24 Jul 2011 21:51:04 +0300, Stéphane Guedon
<steph...@22decembre.eu> wrote:
I have installed dspam (from gentoo compile system) and dovecot-antispam
plugin for dovecot 2.0.13.
I have setup it in dovecot.conf but still have this:
jul 24 20:38:19 einstein dovecot: imap(stephane): Error: antispam plugin
backend is not selected for this user
any explanation ?
A simple one, yes. :-)
Pay your attention to dovecot-antispam manual page.
Please keep us posted if problems remain.
Eugene Paskevich | *==)----------- | Plug me into
eug...@raptor.kiev.ua | -----------(==* | The Matrix