--- On Fri, 22/7/11, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:

> From: Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi>
> Subject: [Dovecot] My status
> To: dovecot@dovecot.org
> Date: Friday, 22 July, 2011, 14:49
> Hello list,
> In case anyone's wondering why I haven't been replying here
> much lately:
> 1. I've been busy working (you know, paid work) on full
> text search
> indexing redesign. That change was a bigger job than I
> realized at first
> (mainly due to virtual mailboxes), so I've been a bit
> stressed/frustrated over it. I finally finished it today
> though, so
> that's over now: http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-2.1/rev/7b9978eb6f91
> I hope to add Antonio's Solr attachment indexing support to
> it once I'm
> a bit less busy. I'm in any case also going to add generic
> attachment
> indexing so that CLucene backend can also do it. I've also
> other work
> left to do for a few more weeks.
> 2. My new apartment gets too hot (30C) when it gets over
> about 22C
> outside, which is almost daily. So my brain melts in the
> heat and I
> don't have energy to do much of anything. But I finally
> yesterday bought
> an air conditioning machine, which should solve this
> problem. I don't
> know why I didn't buy it weeks ago.
> So .. I'll try to get back to reading and answering mails
> next week
> after I've finished some more work and don't feel like I'm
> lagging
> behind too much.


Believe me if I had the company and the funds I would head-hunt you

But seriously. Don't worry about it. We are all fine (as far as I
can tell) and dovecot proceeds wonderfully.

30 Degrees Centigrade whilst 22 outside? Where the heck are you
living ? 


"I merely function as a channel that filters 
music through the chaos of noise"
 - Vangelis

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