I made a bit of headway but not too much.
I discovered that the order of the namespaces is very important.
The reason why dovecot was updating the maildirsize file under Archive
was because the Archive namespace was defined first.
I now define the root inbox first and Archive second and dovecot
properly updates the same maildirsize file as vpopmail in
However, there are two key differences still:
1. Vpopmail does not calculate the storage under
domain.com/user/Maildir/Archive when it updates the maildirsize file.
This is exactly what I want. Vpopmail reports the proper size.
2. Dovecot DOES calculate the storage taken up by:
domain.com/user/Maildir/Archive despite the fact that '/' is not my
default separator.
I think vpopmail acts properly and calculates the file sizes in
properly formatted maildirs.
For some reason dovecot does not .. or am I wrong ?
I've tried many configs to get dovecot to ignore the Archive folder
but none of them works. The only thing that works is if I specifically
write the name of each folder in the quota ignore definitions.
If my structure is as follows:
Folder1 is a proper maildir and Archive is a \NoSelect folder.
I want dovecot quota to ignore ALL the possible folders under Archive
without mentioning them one by one.
This works for example:
quota = maildir
quota_rule = ?:storage=0
quota_rule2 = Folder1:ignore
This does not:
quota = maildir
quota_rule = ?:storage=0
quota_rule2 = Archive:ignore
How can I get dovecot to ignore the quota for all the possible folders
under Archive ?
is different fr
Quoting qm...@top-consulting.net:
I can't get dovecot to ignore a certain directory/namespace when
calculating quotas.
I am running dovecot 1.2.16 with vpopmail configured for quotas.
I use the dot (.) as my separator and my user structure is as follows:
../domain.com/user/Maildir for all the user directories
I also have for each user:
../domain.com/user/Maildir/Archive which is a symlink to a NFS
mounted partition that holds read-only archives
In dovecot.conf I have defined them as follows:
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
namespace private {
separator = .
prefix = ARCHIVE.
inbox = no
hidden = yes
list = yes
location = maildir:~/Maildir/Archive
namespace private {
separator = .
prefix =
inbox = yes
This works very well, in as much as I see the Archive namespace and
its folders.
The problem arises in the fact that Dovecot insists on calculating
the 'Archive' namespace/directory storage towards the total storage
My Quota configuration is as follows:
auth default {
mechanisms = plain login digest-md5 cram-md5
passdb vpopmail {
args = webmail=
userdb vpopmail {
args = quota_template=quota_rule3=*:backend=%q
plugin {
quota = maildir
quota_rule = ?:storage=0
quota_rule2 = Archive:ignore
quota_rule3 = ARCHIVE:ignore
From what I've read, this is supposed to use the maildirsize file
when available or otherwise return no quota. It worked just fine
before this new Archive namespace.
For a certain user, vpopmail writes the 'maildirsize' file in
../domain.com/user/Maildir/maildirsize and it contains the correct
value ( without the /Archive directory ).
The problem is that for some reason, something ( I suspect dovecot )
writes a new maildirsize file in
../domain.com/user/Maildir/Archive/maildirsize which also contains
the size of Archive. Subsequently, Dovecot adds the two of them up
and usually throws me over quota.
To test, I have emptied the maildirsize file under Archive and
changed its owner to root (perms are 755 ) so that nobody but root
can write to it. Dovecot complained right away about it:
Jul 19 12:55:21 pop1 dovecot: IMAP(u...@domain.com):
failed: Permission denied
Despite passing the quota responsibility to vpopmail it seems that
Dovecot still tries to update that file.
And finally the question... How do I get dovecot to not calculate a
quota for that directory/namespace ?