
I'm having a problem I can't get my head around. I'm trying to setup a
public mailbox that is hidden from all users unless granted access through
an ACL.

My folder structure is (migrated from a Courier IMAP/Qmail server):

/var/spool/maildir - main public folder (contains a few .qmail files to
redirect mail to the correct subfolder)
/var/spool/maildir/Support - support public folder (a public folder rather
than a maildir)
/var/spool/maildir/Support/.SubFolder1 - support sub folder 1 (a maildir)
/var/spool/maildir/Support/.SubFolder2 - support sub folder 2 (another

I couldn't get the namespace working correctly to just have 1 folder called
"Shared" (you just got an empty folder when trying to subscribe). I ended up
making 2 namespaces below:

namespace {
  type = public
  separator = .
  prefix = Shared.Support.
  location = maildir:/var/spool/maildir/Support:INDEX=~/Maildir/Support
  subscriptions = no

namespace {
  type = public
  separator = .
  prefix = Shared.System.
  location = maildir:/var/spool/maildir/System:INDEX=~/Maildir/System
  subscriptions = no

This allowed me to get the result I was looking for. Using an ACL I get a
Shared->Support/System->Subfolders view. However the problem is when a user
is not in the ACL they can still see the Shared->Support/System folders
(just none of the subfolders) and obviously can't subscribe.

Could someone let me know what I am doing wrong and if there is a better way
of doing this?

Many thanks,


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