I recently tried to look at the Dovecot mailing lists through an already-configured IMAP profile, which had worked fine in the past.

But it failed saying that the authentication method was not supported.

http://www.dovecot.org/mailinglists.html says:

"You can get access to the IMAP archives by using *dovecot.org* as the hostname, *anonymous* as the username and an empty password. It's also possible to use ANONYMOUS authentication mechanism if your client supports it (few do)."

I noticed that my e-mail client was configured to use the server "imap.dovecot.org", so I changed it to "dovecot.org".

But it still complains that the authentication method is not supported.

I am using Thunderbird 3.1 over Windows 7 64-bit.

Thunderbird was configured for "Password, Transmitted insecurely" (and this option was not working).

I have tried the other authentication options available in Thunderbird.

"Encrypted password": Does not work; same problem
"Kerberos / GSSAPI": Does not work; same problem
"NTLM": Does not work; same problem

Any ideas?


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