I'm playing around with ACLs, Groups and SOGo on Debian Stable, Dovecot 1.2.15.
If I set an ACL for a group 'developers': 6 setacl "INBOX.Trash" "$developers" "lrsw" 6 OK Setacl complete. The dovecot-acl file for INBOX.Trash then contains a group setting for the group, and a user setting for a user of the same name, giving it no permissions. group=developers lrws user=developers and a subsequent GETACL reports the user: 5 getacl "INBOX.Trash" * ACL "INBOX.Trash" "$developers" lrws "developers" "" "jim" lrwstipekxacd 5 OK Getacl completed. Currently SOGo does not deal well with the unexpected non-existant user. So I'm curious - why's it there? -- Jim Hague - jim.ha...@acm.org Never trust a computer you can't lift.