On 06/08/2011 07:05 PM, Tom Hendrikx wrote:
> On 09/06/11 00:47, Phil Turmel wrote:
>> On 06/08/2011 05:58 PM, Tom Hendrikx wrote: [...]
>>> The point is that when you set the headers correctly on your
>>> message, a reply from someone on your message will not generate a
>>> duplicate in the first place, thereby eliminating your problem even
>>> before it exists :)
>> To add a data point, this message was a "reply-to-all" in Thunderbird
>> 3.1.10.  It included Tom's address, ignoring the reply-to: header.
> Actually I only set the reply-to header (by hand) on the message in
> which I said that I did that, and not on the second one, because I am
> lazy and there is no tb plugin to make my life easier. Please try again
> on the correct message.

I checked before I sent, and sure enough, it's there.  Maybe Timo has set the 
list to add it.  This one of yours has it, too.

>> Considering Thunderbird's popularity, just using a reply-to: header
>> won't solve the duplicate message "problem".  This is especially true
>> on open mail lists, like those at kernel.org, where "reply-to-all" is
>> expected of participants.
> I use Thunderbird too, and I did test what I documented. To be sure,
> please check the headers of both messages.


> I don't use this practice often (depends on the ml, and the ppl on it),
> but some time ago the duplicate issue irritated me enough to spend a
> good thought at what the real problem was. Just shared my results,
> especially since they are apparently non-obvious :)
> But maybe we're getting a bit off-topic. After all this is a list about
> dovecot and IMAP-related stuff.

True enough.  I'll stop here.


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