On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 20:29 +0200, Damien Robinet wrote:
> Hi All,
> I need your help to limit the size of the Trash folder.
> I want to exclude the Trash folder in my user quota. But I do not want
> the Trash folder can not exceed 10M for example.
> I can manage to exclude the size of the Trash folder. But I can not
> limit the size of the folder.
> On my test, I've bytes=512000 for the Trash folder.
> But the user can move more that 512000B on the Trash folder ...

Dovecot doesn't support per-folder quotas. This bytes=512000 means that
you're giving the user 512000 bytes on top of the actual quota. That's
why it's in newer versions actually called "bytes=+512000" to make it

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