On May 22, 2011, at 10:51 AM, Tom Hendrikx wrote:

> On 22/05/11 19:42, Trever L. Adams wrote:
>> On 05/22/2011 09:59 AM, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
>>> It would be nice to make a release of Eugene's dovecot-antispam-plugin so 
>>> packages can be made.
>>> I can find no version or tag info at 
>>> http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-antispam-plugin/.
>>> --
>>> Bradley Giesbrecht
>> Bradley,
>> Just use the latest versions of the files. It works fine (a long time of
>> using it on three servers here, one of which sees thousands of emails
>> every few hours). If you want a rpm spec, I have made one.
> I would like to see a tagged version too, but trunk works fine here.
> Since the OP mentions Gentoo, my latest ebuild for dovecot-antispam for
> 2.x is attached.

I maintain the MacPorts port of dovecot-antispam. Tags or releases help produce 
packages with consistent build results.

I will go ahead and use a hg changeset and a date for a version to produce my 

Bradley Giesbrecht

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