On 16/05/2011 13:46, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-05-16 at 14:08 +0200, Osvaldo Alvarez Pozo wrote:
>> But if I erase mail from Mozilla Thunderbird then I find no mail with
>> ref count=0 and doveadm purge does nothing.
> doveadm purge only purges mails that have been expunged. So I guess your
> TB has only marked mails \Deleted, but not actually expunged anything.

Yes, Thunderbird's default is to only mark as deleted (true of many
clients I think?).

There are some options to encourage it to expunge "more frequently".
Also (and you need EVERY user to change this..) you can set your delete
action to (say) move the mails to a Trash folder.

I think this (mark, then expunge) behaviour is very alien to most email
users, it's just not how any other MUA actually behaves (at best they
all hide the imap behaviour). There are some features in dovecot to help
hide this, but I think it would actually be quite helpful to have a
Dovecot feature which literally intercepts an MUA marking messages
deleted and whips them into the Trash folder..?

Anyway, just a wierdness in IMAP which I think really hasn't worked out
as the model of how the rest of the world decided to work. I personally
desire this behaviour to go away since it's confusing to 99% of non
technical users...


Ed W

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