On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 03:20:08PM -0700, errno wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 18, 2011 03:07:44 PM Jerry wrote:
> > On Wed, 18 May 2011 14:50:54 -0700
> > errno <er...@cox.net> articulated:
> > > Below, I've provide the relevant snippets of my current 
> > > functional configuration; how best to integrate procmail into 
> > > the mix?
> > 
> > Why procmail? Use sieve instead. It is fully supported in Dovecot 
> > and IMHO far easier to use.
> I hear you, and agree - I was able to determine that sieve was 
> better supported. Unfortunately, I'm doing this for a client who is 
> rather set in his ways and already has a largish custom procmail 
> filter he wants/needs to use. For me to tell him, "no we need to 
> use sieve instead", he will see that as a failure on my part; 
> and/or will request that I install and configure a different 
> combination of software that will facilitate his familiar territory 
> of procmail.
> Seeing as I already have postfix and dovecot functioning, I'd rather
> just get procmail in there and be done with it; is this possible?

This is all on the Postfix side. Leave Dovecot out of it. And it's 

mydestination = localhost, localhost.$mydomain[, ... ]
virtual_alias_maps = (set to something)

virtual_alias_maps includes this:
real@email.address              setnways@localhost

Create a Unix user, "setnways".


Populate ~setnways/.procmailrc as desired.

Obviously this won't work if you have disabled local(8) delivery.

Note: I set reply-to this list, but it would be more appropriate on 
postfix-users. Start a new thread there if you need help. See also:
And your OS documentation if needed.
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