Stan Hoeppner wrote:

> On 5/9/2011 1:31 AM, Per Jessen wrote:
>> Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>>> This is not correct.  You're assuming that ntpd doesn't perform
>>> sanity checks on the system time when the daemon starts, which is
>>> not the case.
>> The sanity check may be disabled with -g in which case using
>> ntpdate/sntp/ntpd -q at start up becomes pointless.
> 'ntpdate -q' has always been 'pointless', unless you just want to look
> at the offset without modifying the clock. 

Sure, I meant 'ntpd -q'.

> Mt nptd server is Debian Squeeze atop kernel, running ntp
> 4.2.6.p2+dfsg-1+b1.  The machine is home grown w/ an 11 year old Abit
> main board.  0.003 seconds offset, not too shabby. ;)  I've seen
> offset with 4 leading zeros (after the decimal) in the past.  I've
> never seen less than two leading zeros.  For most applications on my
> network, time this accurate is overkill, but it's nice to have.

For me, it's more important that all machines (local & remote) are
running the same time.  Locally I sync to DCF77, externally I use the
datacentre-provided NTP source.  Anyway, we're way OT. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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