On Mon, 11 Apr 2011 06:11:08 +0100, Andre Rodier wrote:
On Mon, 11 Apr 2011 00:35:33 +0300, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On 11.4.2011, at 0.19, Andre Rodier wrote:

What surprise me is this line during the authentication:
===> auth(arodier@red2team, username changed arodier@red2team -> arodier

That means that the username gets changed from %n = arodier and %d =
redteam2 to %n = arorier and %d = empty. So I don't understand why %d
would ever be anything else than empty.

Anyway, http://wiki2.dovecot.org/DomainLost

Thanks Timo,

it was what I thought. However, even if I know know the cause, it
doesn't help me too much to do what I want.

In the link provided, none of the reason is applied in my settings.

- My auth_username_format is set to the full username+domain, event
empty, it's dropped.
- I use LDAP, not SQL, so I don't know how to return the domain from
my query.

The question is now, how can I return both the username and the
domain from LDAP, please ? Once I have the answer, I can add the
information to the wiki page.

However, it seems I can use this method, specified on this page:

You can add static fields that aren't looked up from LDAP (v1.1.rc5+).
For example create a "mail" field with value "/var/vmail/%d/%n":
user_attrs = \
  quotaBytes=quota_rule=*:bytes=%$, \

It is exactly what I want to do. But once I have created a "mail"
field, how can I access this field from the main dovecot configuration
file, please ?

Thanks for your answer and your patience.

Once I have finished to setup my environment, I'll publish a document
to help others.

Kind regards,

Hello again, Timo, I am nearly there.

I finally got it working, using the ldap prefetch option. I don't know why, but it is only in this way that the '%d' domain is kept after the authentication:

Now, this line is normally resolved in my private namespace (mail location)
  => location = maildir:/home/emails/%d/%%n/Maildir:

In my dovecot ldap configuration:

hosts = callisto.red2.srv thebe.red2.srv
auth_bind = yes
ldap_version = 3
base = dc=red2,dc=srv
scope = subtree
user_attrs = gosaMailQuota=quota_rule=*:storage=%$M,=home=/home/emails/%d/%n,=mail=/home/emails/%d/%n, mail_plugins
user_filter = (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%n))
pass_attrs = uid=uid,userPassword=password,\
pass_filter = (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%n)(ou=%d))
default_pass_scheme = PLAIN-MD5

Obviously, I now need to cleanup and remove all options that are not needed.

Kind regards,

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