am 07.04.11 23:51 schrieb Sven Hartge <>:

Jim Knuth<>  wrote:
am 06.04.11 21:00 schrieb Jim Knuth<>:

If one can write even more text, with word wrap? As an example:

plugin {
quota_exceeded_message = Quota exceeded, please go to for instructions on how to fix
Please call: +49 0000 00000000 between 10:00 - 15:00

nobody can answer me? Too trivial or stupid?

How about just trying it? Set a quota of 5M, shove some mails into the
account and see what happens.


It is ONLY about whether more text is possible.
More info can be transmitted. Function it ok.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Jim Knuth

P.S.: Bitte HTML-Mails!
Die Geschichte wird freundlich mit mir umgehen, denn ich
habe vor, sie zu schreiben. [Churchill]

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