On Mar 30, 2011, at 3:35 PM, nick+dove...@bunbun.be wrote:

> Jim Knuth wrote:
>> small question: Will the WiKi of the version 2 be updated shortly?
>> Many things are not right at all. This would be really very nice. Many 
>> thanks in advance.
> It's a Wiki... feel free to correct :-)
> wiki: A collaborative website which can be directly edited using only a web 
> browser, often by anyone with access to it.

Just because someone *can* edit it doesn't mean they have the relevant subject 
matter knowledge necessary to do a proper job of it. Just because someone can 
competently follow instructions enough to tell that they are wrong doesn't mean 
that they know what is right. They may just be stuck. 

Unfortunately putting documentation in a wiki usually just has the effect of 
making nobody feel like they really own it. Then helpful, respectful folks such 
as yourself say to anyone who wants documentation, "LEARN THE CODE AND DOCUMENT 

Ignoring that of course the whole point of documentation is that it (hopefully) 
enables people to use software without having to read the source first...


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