Am 18.03.2011 23:39, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
> Am 17.03.2011 00:07, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
>> Am 16.03.2011 23:52, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
>>> Am 16.03.2011 22:59, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
>>>> Am 16.03.2011 20:56, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
>>>>> I wonder how POP3 clients would even know how long the mail has been in
>>>>>> server..
>>>> here it is for tb
>>> ok , i tested a little
>>> the popstate.dat files stores what to do
>>> with pop3 mail identified by UIDL
>>> this tb function looks good on both servers
>>> if i.e a mail was deleted from local inbox
>>> it gets declared something like
>>> d uidl
>>> in the popstate.dat
>>> the difference between the servers is
>>> that in the server without virtual plugin the mail gets in deed deleted
>>> at pop3 reconnect
>>> sending
>>> pop3(...@....): expunge: box=INBOX, uid=172,
>>> msgid=<4D813935.9070606@....>, size=1836
>>> with my virtual plugin setup it isnt deleted
>>> cant see any expunge with this tb account
>>> miracle i can see onther account ( think he has old netscape )
>>> which sends expunge over pop3
>> checked this with outlook 2010 too
>> it doesnt work either, see no expunge in log
>> so the virtual plugin or my setup within simply broke this pop3 features
> hi Timo
> i did more debugging,
> used telnet with pop3
> the list and dele function are working,
> the problem is based on
> that if tb downloads the mail ( with option leave copies on the server )
> mail stays in maildir cur now, but it cant be seen via pop3 list anymore
> so its clear, whatever tb sends dele later connect it fails cause the
> mail cant be seen via pop3 anymore
 for very small tests this looks like solved
i have to wait for wide user reaction/test to be sure
to see mails via pop3 and leave copies on the server

this cant work


it must be


which is example in the wiki too, but not related special to this pop3
leave copies on the server feature

so timos patch worked , also it was a configration/mythinking bug
dont know if the patch should be reverted , dont think so cause it looks
better to have mails in maildir cur when the got downloaded
then in new as it was before

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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