On Thu, 10 Feb 2011 02:07:38 +0200, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
However, the combination of sieve and expire does not seem to be
working: When sieve moves messages into a folder, no entry is
created in
the database. Don't these plugins work together, or did I
If you didn't yet find out:
mail_plugins: expire
mail_plugins: sieve
The second mail_plugins setting overrides the first one. Use:
mail_plugins = expire sieve
Thanks, this works to the extent that dates are now written into the
database when mails are moved by sieve filters. What doesn't work (and I
spent the last weeks testing and googling, hence my late reply) is the
deletion of expired mails. When an expiration date occurs, the database
is updated, but nothing is deleted.
I have implemented a test with a 1 day expiry. Dates get updated,
nothing is deleted. Output of expire tool:
Info: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
Info: Module loaded:
Info: expire: pattern=INBOX.Trash type=expunge secs=604800
Info: expire: pattern=INBOX.Mailing-Lists.test type=expunge secs=86400
Info: expire: pattern=INBOX.Spam type=expunge secs=2592000
Info: auth input: uid=5000
Info: auth input: gid=5000
Info: auth input: home=/home/vmail/example.com/user1
Info: Namespace: type=private, prefix=INBOX., sep=., inbox=yes,
hidden=no, list=yes, subscriptions=yes
Info: maildir: data=/home/vmail//:INDEX=/var/indexes/
Info: maildir++: root=/home/vmail/, index=/var/indexes, control=,
Info: auth input: uid=5000
Info: auth input: gid=5000
Info: auth input: home=/home/vmail/example.com/user2
Info: Namespace: type=private, prefix=INBOX., sep=., inbox=yes,
hidden=no, list=yes, subscriptions=yes
Info: maildir: data=/home/vmail//:INDEX=/var/indexes/
Info: maildir++: root=/home/vmail/, index=/var/indexes, control=,
Is this an issue with the mail_location setting? I know the wiki says
something about a userdb lookup returning the mail location, but,
frankly, I'm not sure what that's supposed to say...