~user/.procmailrc-backup or /etc/procmailrc-backup

TODAY_YEAR=`date +%Y`
TODAY_MONTH=`date +%m`
TODAY_DAY=`date +%d`

# prepare the archive
dummy=`(p="${MDIR}/.archive.$TODAY_YEAR.$TODAY_MONTH.$TODAY_DAY"; if [ !
-d $p ]; then mkdir -p $p; fi;) 2>/dev/null`
        dummy=`if [ ! $(grep $(date '+archive.%Y.%m.%d')
$HOME/.maildir/subscriptions) ]; then echo $(date '+archive.%Y.%m.%d')
>> $HOME/.maildir/subscriptions; fi`


On 02/10/2011 02:41 AM, Oli Schacher wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Feb 2011 09:15:18 +0200
> Alexander Chekalin <acheka...@lazurit.com> wrote:
>> in my company we have a mailbox that holds a copy of every message
>> that our SMTP processed. While it eats a lot of space, it saved us
>> several times when, you may imaging, user "suddenly" deleted the most
>> important message in his life and call our IT guys for help. The
>> mailbox contains "folders" for each day (like 2011-02-10), which
>> keeps mailings for that day only.
> [...]
> What you are describing is basically a standard mail
> archiving service. Instead of building this yourself you
> could look at existing software tools that include the features you
> describe and offer additional functionality like attachment indexing,
> signed archives etc. For example Mailarchiva (mailarchiva.com) -
> There is an open source version as well
> ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/openmailarchiva/ ) 
> Google lists various other alternatives.
> Regards,
>  Oli

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