El Wednesday 09 February 2011, Frank Bonnet <f.bon...@esiee.fr> dijo:
> hello
> I try to convert from mbox to mdbox using dsync
> i get the followin error using the following command
> dsync mirror -u toto mbox:/user/toto:INBOX=/var/mail/toto
> I get this error message :
> mail3# dsync mirror -u toto mbox:/user/toto:INBOX=/var/mail/toto
> dsync(root): Fatal: execvp(-u) failed: No such file or directory
> dsync-local(root): Error: read() from worker server failed: EOF

Have you tried

dsync -u toto mirror mbox:/user/toto:INBOX=/var/mail/toto

Joseba Torre. Vicegerencia de TICs, área de Explotación

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