Dear Timo,

Am 08.02.2011 23:48, schrieb Timo Sirainen:
On 9.2.2011, at 0.20, Lukas Haase wrote:
namespace public { separator = . prefix = Shared. location =

location = maildir:/var/mail/shared:INDEX=~/Maildir/shared

Why? According to the Wiki, CONTROL is used for example for the
subscriptions (I can not use "subscriptions=no" because my private
namespace is "INDEX." and not empty) and therefore I use it.
You can create a prefix="" namespace with list=no hidden=yes where
the subscriptions will be saved.

Great hint! This works!

For the archive:

namespace private {
   separator = .
   prefix =.
   inbox = no
   list = no
   hidden = yes
   location = maildir:~/Maildir-root
   subscriptions = yes

The subscriptions file for the public namespaces are not saved in ~/Maildir-root.

Yes, but then if any keywords (= custom flags = labels = ..) are
used, they're not shared between users. Other users instead will see
keywords like "Unknown-1".

I re-read the Wiki again and now I understand it.

The usual option will be using dovecot-shared and INDEX=~/Maildir/... for private Seen flags and index, no CONTROL for shared keywords and subscriptions = no for private subscriptions in the private parent namespace.

Thank you very much for these tipps!


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