On Fri, 4 Feb 2011 12:58:58 +0100 Sven Hartge <s...@svenhartge.de> articulated:
> Luigi Rosa <li...@luigirosa.com> wrote: > > > Disconnected for inactivity. > > Protocollo: IMAP > > Server: mail.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > > Porta: 143 > > Codice errore: 0x800CCCDD > > Have a look at <http://markmail.org/message/ggdsfvxyhzstjwd6>. that pertains to an old version of Outlook <10 at the very least. There are several posts on the MS Outlook forums regarding this problem. I suggested yesterday that the OP investigate them for a possible solution. -- Jerry ✌ dovecot.u...@seibercom.net Disclaimer: off-list followups get on-list replies or get ignored. Please do not ignore the Reply-To header. __________________________________________________________________ Remember, Grasshopper, falling down 1000 stairs begins by tripping over the first one. Confusion