Hello all, I'm using "Pam Ldap" for my users (Debian Lenny).
getent passwd : *m.ambrosy:x:2000:100:m.ambrosy:/home/m.ambrosy:/bin/bash* getent group : *l_admin:*:2000:m.ambrosy l_personnel:*:2001:m.ambrosy l_mail:*:2003:m.ambrosy* As you can see, in LDAP, user "m.ambrosy" (PosixAccount) is defined with gidNumber = 100 (local group "users") and uidNumber = 2000. Furthermore this user belongs to 3 secondary Ldap PosixGroup (l_admin 2000, l_personnel 2001, l_mail 2003). If /var/mail belongs to the primary group (100), no problem. If /var/mail belongs to l_mail (2003) : *mkdir(/var/mail/m.ambrosy) failed: Permission denied (euid=2000(m.ambrosy) egid=100(users) missing +w perm: /var/mail, euid is not dir owner* In fact, Dovecot seems to not see secondary groups for my user. It just checks the primary group (gidNumber). If I modify my Ldap user like this, getent passwd : *m.ambrosy:x:2000:2003:m.ambrosy:/home/m.ambrosy:/bin/bash *It works fine but my "l_mail" group must be secondary (like an option for some users), not the primary gidNumber. Can I do it in the conf file?* * Am I making myself clear? Regards, Matthieu.