Then you can have userdb set namespace/default/separator=/,
namespace/others/separator=/ and namespace/pub/separator=/. Or a
post-login script to set those in environment.

Thanks, this seems to work fine. In the interests of providing closure (for somebody trawling through mailing list archives with the same goal) I have:

namespace _private {
   type = private
   separator = .
   prefix =
   inbox = yes
namespace _shared {
   type = shared
   separator = .
   prefix = Users.%%n.
location = maildir:/var/mail/virtual/users/%%n/Maildir/:INDEX=~/shared/%%u
   subscriptions = no
   list = children
namespace _public {
   type = public
   separator = .
   prefix = Shared.
   location = maildir:/var/mail/virtual/public:INDEX=~/public
   subscriptions = no

and I've created a postlogin script looking like:


case "$USER" in|
ENV="NAMESPACE/_PRIVATE/SEPARATOR=/ NAMESPACE/_SHARED/SEPARATOR=/ NAMESPACE/_PUBLIC/SEPARATOR=/ NAMESPACE/_SHARED/PREFIX=Users/%n/ NAMESPACE/_PUBLIC/PREFIX=Shared/";; export USERDB_KEYS="$USERDB_KEYS namespace/_private/separator namespace/_shared/separator namespace/_public/separator namespace/_shared/prefix namespace/_public/prefix"

exec env $ENV "$@"

The namespace prefix needs changing too. Note that the %%n seems to have been reduced to %n by the time of the postlogin script. The shell seems to dislike strange characters in environment variable names so I'm using env to set them.

Unmigrated '.' users work. Migrated '/' users work. Migrated users can see any user mailboxes. Unmigrated users can only see ones without period in them.

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