Quoting Henrique Fernandes <sf.ri...@gmail.com>:
Well, i am having some problens to figure out how many concurrent users into
> the server!
> In my envoriment now, most people are using the webmail interface, and it
> just conect and disconct pretty quickly so i can not get it with "doveadm
> who"
> doveadm who only gets the ones that are connect with clients.
> O use ipvs to balance betwaeen 2 servers does anyone have an ideia ?
> With ipvs i get this results:
> IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
> Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
> -> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
> TCP XXX.XX.X.XX:143 lblcr
> -> Masq 1 16 228
> -> Masq 1 16 184
If you use imapproxy on your web servers, you will have a constant
connection from a known IP.
If you want that to show up in ipvsadm, you can have imapproxy point to
your VIP.