Luben Karavelov put forth on 1/26/2011 1:21 PM: > Finaly we scrapped the ocfs2 setup and moved to less advanced setup: > We created distinct volumes for every worker on the SAN, formated it with with > XFS. The volumes got mounted on different mountpoints on workers. We setup a > Pacemaker as cluster manager on the workers, so if worker dies its volume > gets mounted on another worker and its service IP is brought up there. > > As a result we are using a fraction of the IO compared with OCFS, the wait > time > on the workers dropped significantly, the service got better.
That's obviously not a "perfectly" load balanced system, but it is an intriguing solution nonetheless. XFS will obviously be much faster than OCFS2. Are you using the "-o delaylog" mount option? Are you seeing an increase in metadata performance due to it? -- Stan