Henrique Fernandes put forth on 1/21/2011 12:53 PM:

> We think it is the ocfs2 and the size of the partition, becasue. We can
> write an big file in a accetable speed. But if we try to delete or create or
> read lots of small files the speed is  horrible. We think is an DLM problem
> in propagate the locks and etc.

It's not the size of the filesystem that's the problem.  But it is an issue with
the DLM, and with the small RAID 10 set.  This is why I recommended putting DLM
on its own dedicated network segment, same with the iSCSI traffic, and making
sure you're running full duplex GbE all round.  DLM doesn't require GbE
bandwidth, but the latency of GbE is less than fast ethernet.  I'm also
assuming, since you didn't say, that you were running all your ethernet traffic
over a single GbE port on each Xen host.  That just doesn't scale when doing
filesystem clustering.  The traffic load is too great, unless you're idling all
the time, in which case, why did you go OCFS? :)

> Do you have any idea how to test the storage from maildir usage ? We made a
> bashscript that write some diretores and lots of files and after it removes
> and etc.

This only does you any good if you have instrumentation setup to capture metrics
while you run your test.  You''ll need to run iostat on the host running the
script tests, along with iftop, and any OCFS monitoring tools.  You'll need to
use the EMC software to gather IOPS and bandwidth metrics from the CX4 during
the test.  You'll also need to make sure your aggregate test data size is
greater than 6GB which is 2x the size of the cache in the CX4.  You need to hit
the disks, hard, not the cache.

The best "test" is to simply instrument your normal user load and collect the
performance data I mentioned.

> Any better ideias ?

Ditch iSCSI and move to fiber channel.  A Qlogic 14 port 4Gb FC switch with all
SFPs included is less than $2500 USD.  You already have the FC ports in your
CX4.  You'd instantly quadruple the bandwidth of the CX4 and that of each Xen
host, from 200 to 800 MB/s and 100 to 400 MB/s respectively.  Four single port
4Gb FC HBAs, one for each server, will run you $2500-3000 USD.  So for about $5k
USD you can quadruple your bandwidth, and lower your latency.

I don't recall if you ever told us what your user load is.  How many concurrent
Dovecot user sessions are you supporting on average?

> Apreciate your help!

No problem.  SANs are one of my passions. :)


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