>From the log:

Jan  7 16:16:44 postamt dovecot: imap(hxxxxnge): Panic: file squat-trie.c: line 
876 (squat_build_word): assertion failed: (i + bytelen <= size)
Jan  7 16:16:44 postamt dovecot: imap(hxxxxnge): Error: Raw backtrace:
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0x3bbe1) [0xb7745be1] ->
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0x3bc4f) [0xb7745c4f] ->
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(i_fatal+0) [0xb771c82e] ->
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/lib21_fts_squat_plugin.so(+0x566a) [0xb752a66a] ->
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/lib21_fts_squat_plugin.so(+0x2b9c) [0xb7527b9c] ->
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/lib20_fts_plugin.so(+0x578c) [0xb757678c] ->
[0xb77a5a78] -> dovecot/imap [hxxxxnge UID](+0x168d6)
[0xb78788d6] -> dovecot/imap [hxxxxnge 
UID](imap_search_start+0x138) [0xb78792d8] -> dovecot/imap [hxxxxnge UID](cmd_search+0xf1) [0xb786e4d1] -> d

Jan  7 16:16:44 postamt dovecot: master: Error: service(imap): child 16959 
killed with signal 6 (core dumped)
Jan  7 16:16:50 postamt dovecot: imap(hxxxxnge): Panic: file squat-trie.c: line 
876 (squat_build_word): assertion failed: (i + bytelen <= size)
Jan  7 16:16:50 postamt dovecot: imap(hxxxxnge): Error: Raw backtrace:
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0x3bbe1) [0xb7738be1] ->
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0x3bc4f) [0xb7738c4f] ->
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(i_fatal+0) [0xb770f82e] ->
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/lib21_fts_squat_plugin.so(+0x566a) [0xb751d66a] ->
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/lib21_fts_squat_plugin.so(+0x2b9c) [0xb751ab9c] ->
/usr/dovecot-2/lib/dovecot/lib20_fts_plugin.so(+0x578c) [0xb756978c] ->
[0xb7798a78] -> dovecot/imap [hxxxxnge UID](+0x168d6)
[0xb786b8d6] -> dovecot/imap [hxxxxnge
UID](imap_search_start+0x138) [0xb786c2d8] -> dovecot/imap [hxxxxnge UID](cmd_search+0xf1) [0xb78614d1] -> d

Jan  7 16:16:50 postamt dovecot: master: Error: service(imap): child 17558 
killed with signal 6 (core dumped)

Ralf Hildebrandt
  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
  Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  Campus Benjamin Franklin
  Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
  ralf.hildebra...@charite.de | http://www.charite.de

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