Thanks a lot.  

That works for me 

On Fri, 24 Dec 2010 17:57:35
-0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote: 

> Joan Moreau put forth on 12/24/2010 5:41
>> 1 - plan to have all the new emails in a different folder (say
"/data/mail2" ) 2 - make a script that go through all users & domains 3
- for each user (and therefore dbox folder), run "dsync -o
mail_location=sdbox:/data/mail/%d/%n mirror mdbox:/data/mail2/%d/%n"
(where %d and %n are updated correctly for each user) 4 - move
/data/mail to /data/mailold and move /data/mail2 /data/mail
> You don't
have to move the mail "back". 
>> 5 - update dovecot.conf with
"mail_location = mdbox:/data/mail/%d/%n"
> Simply change the mail
location to the new directory in dovecot.conf. After you've confirmed
all the users' mail is safely in the new location you can delete all the
old mail folders/structure.

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