El 13/12/10 10:16, Brad Davidson escribió:
On Dec 12, 2010, at 23:26, Javier de Miguel Rodrí guez<javierdemig...@us.es>
My SAN(s) (HP LeftHand Networks) do not support SSD, though. But I have
several LeftHand nodes, some of them with raid5, others with raid 1+0.
Maildirs+indexes are now in raid5, maybe I can separate the indexes to raid 1+0
iscsi target in a different san
I have two raid5 (7 disks+1 spare) and I have joined them via LVM
stripping. Each disk is SAS 15k rpm 450GB, and the SANs have 512
MB-battery-backed-cache. In our real workload (imapsync), each raid5 gives
around 1700-1800 IOPS, combined 3.500 IOPS.
Your 'slow' storage is running against 16 15k RPM SAS drives? Those LeftHand
controllers must be terrible. We have Maildir on NFS on a Netapp with 15k RPM
450GB FC disks and have never had performance problems, even when running the
controllers up against the wall by mounting with the noac option (60k NFS
IOPS!). We were using 500GB 4500 RPM ATA disks at that point - doesn't get much
slower than that.
Can you give me (off-list if you desire) more info about your
setup? I am interested in the number and type of spindles you are using.
We are using LeftHand because of their real time replication
capabilities, something very interesting to us, and each node pair is
relatively cheap (8x450 g...@15k rpm sas disks per node, real time
replication, 512 MB caché, about 25K € each node pair).
We can throw more hardware to this, let's see if using memory-based
indexes (via ramdisk) we get better results. Zlib compression on indexes
should be great for this.