
Yes postfix is configured for SASL so the spammer ip was able to relay email
after it obtained the account info. 
My concern is how the spammer got the user/pass in the 1st place since
nowhere on the dovecot logs do I see that particular user attempting to
login with the wrong/correct password etc. I should be able to see all login
attempts correct if the user/pass was obtained through a dict. attack? Is
that's the case then most likely the user/password was obtained from the
user's PC and not guessed on the mail server. I am trying to make sense of
what happened and to make sure im not overlooking something on dovecot. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Timo Sirainen [mailto:t...@iki.fi] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 8:22 PM
To: PA
Cc: dovecot@dovecot.org
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] dovecot dictionary attacks

On 10.11.2010, at 23.03, PA wrote:

> However on my smtp mail server that ip is already sending out all sorts of
> spam with the sasl username of Paramus. This username Paramus never shows
> on the dovevot dictionary attack, as a matter of fact the user Paramus is
> nowhere to be found on the dovecot log at all and I have logs going back
> months. 
> I'm just not sure how they guess the username/password as its not on any
> logs that goes back months and I don't have a dovecot record for that

Well, probably obvious, but since you didn't explicitly say: You have
configured Postfix to use Dovecot for authentication, not Cyrus SASL,

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