On 7.11.2010, at 18.37, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:

> * Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi>:
>>> postamt:~#  /var/admhome/hildeb/logparse.pl /var/log/pop3d-imapd.log
>>> type
>> Probably your timestamps are different. Show one log line?
> Nov  7 19:37:17 postamt dovecot: imap(ptm-aus): Debug: rusage: real=0.51 
> user=0.16001 sys=0.52003 reclaims=665 faults=0 swaps=0 bin=0 bout=0 signals=0 
> volcs=10 involcs=8

Attached with a working regexp.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;

my @keys;
my %types;
my $setkeys = 1;
while (<>) {
  next if (!/^... + \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \w+ dovecot: (\w+)(\([^\)]*\))?: Debug: rusage: (.*)$/);
  my ($type, $data) = ($1, $3);
  my @new;
  my @list = split(" ", $data);
  foreach my $arg (@list) {
    die "broken: $arg" if ($arg !~ /^(.*)=([\d+.]+)$/);
    if ($setkeys) {
      push @keys, $1;
    push @new, $2;
  $setkeys = 0;
  if (!defined($types{$type})) {
    $types{$type} = \...@new;
  } else {
    my @old = @{$types{$type}};
    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @old; $i++) {
      $old[$i] += $new[$i];

print "type";
foreach my $key (@keys) {
  print "\t$key";
print "\n";
foreach my $type (keys %types) {
  print "$type";
  my @values = @{$types{$type}};
  for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @values; $i++) {
    print "\t";
    if ($i < 3) {
      printf "%.2f", $values[$i];
    } else {
      print $values[$i];
  print "\n";

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