Can dovecot-lda, keep a copy of any email that it receives in a diferente folder ?
Like if get an email. It goes to inbox and goes to other folder..diferente that his mailboxes ? I want this with all users. Can it be done ? If not, does any one have any ideia how could it be done ? We are having serius problems with backups, with this we gona be able to at least save one or two days of each emails, than rotate them again. I though about using postfix always_bcc, but would be everyones emails only in one account. Though in migh use sieve for filter this acount and separete it for each folder.. but i don't guess sieve could get a parameter from the email to make a filter.. or can it ? like, if email from it goes to user2 folder, but this user2 would be variable, otherwise i have to create a sieve too bigm and would work i guess. Well, i am open to ideas. Thanks! []'sf.rique