On Tue, 2010-11-02 at 11:36 -0400, Edward Carraro wrote:
> I've applied the patch to all 3 servers now I get this error in
> dovecot-err.log on box 008 (when i telnet localhost 143)
> director: Error: Director disconnected
> 192.28 IP is box 003...
> It seems to only happen once. I've tried localhost telnets on all the other
> boxes with no errors appearing in any logs of the others...

So after that error is logged everything else works fine anyway?

> director_doveadm_port = 542
> service director {
>   unix_listener login/director {
>     mode = 0666
>   }
>   fifo_listener login/proxy-notify {
>     mode = 0666
>   }
>   unix_listener director-userdb {
>     mode = 0600
>   }
>   inet_listener {
>     port = 541
>   }

Add here:

inet_listener {
  port = 542

> }

These are actually something completely different, I got confused for a
while. Remove them:

> service director-doveadm {
>   inet_listener {
>     port = 542
>   }
> }
> service director-doveadm {
>   executable = doveadm-server
> }

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