On 27/10/2010 20:16, Axel Thimm wrote:
Hi Juan,
sorry for the late reply I just picked this up mentioning ATrpms:
On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 19:05 +0200, Juan C. Blanco wrote:
Hello Stephan I have some problems to build pigeonhole 0.2.1 over dovect
2.0.5, I've had no problems with previous versions; the system is CentOS
FWIW CentOS is supported at ATrpms and there are packages for 0.2.1
there for CentOS, if you need them.
I think that is "autotools" related, but not sure.
I've dounloaded the archive for pigeonhole, once decompressed:
If I do:
./configure --with-dovecot=../dovecot-2.0.5
All seems to work fine
But if I do (like the atrpms package spec):
autoreconf -ifv
./configure --with-dovecot=../dovecot-2.0.5
I get the error:
I checked the pigeonhole specfiles at ATrpms, but could not find any
such call, the %build part has been
## crude hack ...
%configure --with-dovecot=%{_libdir}/dovecot \
--with-managesieve=yes \
--enable-header-install=yes \
INSTALL_DATA="install -c -p -m644"
for quite some time now.
Thans, I've seen so, but I have a question does not will be necessary to
do it?, the configure was generated by a version of autoconf newer than
the one in CentOS and dows not it may cause problems to use it as is.
Juan C: blanco
| Juan C. Blanco |
| |
| Centro de Calculo | |
| Facultad de Informatica U.P.M. | E-mail: jcbla...@fi.upm.es |
| Campus de Montegancedo | |
| Boadilla del Monte | Tel.: (+34) 91 336 7466 |
| 28660 MADRID (Spain) | Fax : (+34) 91 336 6913 |