Axel Thimm wrote:
On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 12:24 -0700, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
Alan Brown wrote:
ATrpms has builds too, but they're usually out of date.
Yeah way of of date.  1.0.7 I think is what I saw.

Hm, ATrpms is usually shipping packages within a few days after a
release as well as packages of beta releases. What makes you think
ATrpms is at 1.0.7?

I probably mis-read the YUM output.

FWIW ATrpms currently carries the following dovecot versions:

1.0.15-1_74  1.1.20-1_98  1.2.15-1_113  2.0.6-0_121

Maybe I'm doing the YUM stuff wrong. When I disabled all the repos and enabled ATrpms I got no results. Better check that I'm using a good/current repo file. :-(


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