On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 06:02 -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> Timo Sirainen put forth on 10/21/2010 4:10 PM:
> > On 21.10.2010, at 19.14, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> > 
> >>    + mdbox: Added mdbox_preallocate_space setting (Linux+ext3/XFS only)
> > 
> > ext4 of course, not ext3. Also requires Linux kernel v2.6.23 or newer and 
> > glibc 2.10 or newer.
> Is this available for mbox or just mdbox?  If mdbox only, why not mbox also?

It's only for mdbox because they have a known upper size
(mdbox_rotate_size). With mbox the only possibility would be to let
admin specify how large the files should be preallocated to. And how
would the admin know? And should different mailboxes have different
preallocated sizes? For example "Drafts" mailbox is unlikely to ever
grow very large. And in any case, if you care about performance mbox
isn't really the best choice.

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