Hi all,

In the last days, I've been trying to add support for systemd[1]
socket activation to dovecot. The basic idea is that systemd takes
care of opening the sockets needed by dovecot to communicate with
external processes, and when a connection happens on one of these
sockets, systemd spawns dovecot, and then dovecot uses these sockets
instead of creating its own sockets. The main reason why I hacked on
this was that I wanted to get on-demand startup of dovecot on my home

WIth the patch attached to this email, I'm now able to do that. The
patch includes a dovecot.socket file which should be seen as a sample
file, however I'm not sure what is the best way to handle this file
(systemd uses it to know which sockets dovecot needs).

What I wanted to ask the list for now is if such a patch is wanted,
and to get feedback on how things are done in it, and what should be
improved in it. [2] and [3] might be useful reading while looking at
the patch.

Thanks in advance for the feedback!


[1] http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd
[2] http://0pointer.de/public/systemd-man/daemon.html
[3] http://0pointer.de/public/systemd-man/sd-daemon.html

Attachment: systemd.diff
Description: Binary data

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