On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 14:53 +0200, Robert Schetterer wrote:
> perhaps silly question...
> should i care of this ?
> dovecot: dict: Error: sql dict iterate: Invalid/unmapped path:
> shared/shared-boxes/anyone/

Well, if you want to support "anyone" ACL then you should care.
Otherwise not really, other than being annoyed at those errors in logs.
You could solve it by creating such a path that maps to an SQL table.
I've been too lazy to add docs how to do it.. Probably something like:

map {
  pattern = shared/shared-boxes/anyone/$from
  table = anyone_shares
  value_field = dummy

  fields {
    from_user = $from

I guess another possibility would be to make it possible to ignore some
patterns to just hide this error and not waste time doing a SELECT for
something that never exists.

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