Hello Timo,

thanks for your answer.

On 14.10.2010 17:40, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> It seems that the director is only working, if I use the static
>> passdb?!
>> How can I use the director with other passdb drivers than the static
>> one?
> Oh, and if you want to make director do the authentication directly, you
> can't currently use passdb vpopmail, because you can't add the proxy=y
> setting to it. Are your users in SQL? You could use passdb sql directly
> then.

I got it working with passdb sql. I could put the information in the db
too, but it would add a new layer of complexity (master/slave
replication, failover, etc.)

I digged into the dovecot code and I'm asking you whether this would do
the job for vpopmail?

> --- passdb-vpopmail.c.o 2010-09-22 19:12:32.000000000 +0200
> +++ passdb-vpopmail.c   2010-10-16 10:04:50.000000000 +0200
> @@ -127,6 +127,8 @@
>         if (scheme == NULL)
>                 scheme = request->passdb->passdb->default_pass_scheme;
> +       auth_request_set_field(request, "proxy", "y", scheme);
> +
>         ret = auth_request_password_verify(request, password,
>                                            tmp_pass, scheme, "vpopmail");
>         safe_memset(crypted_pass, 0, strlen(crypted_pass));

It compiles but I haven't tried it yet.


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