On Friday, October 08, 2010 02:33 PM CDT, Charles Marcus 
<cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote: 
> Please don't top-post...

I do apologize, I was using my webmail program and it was not setup properly
> On 2010-10-08 3:15 PM, Donny Brooks wrote:
> > On Friday, October 08, 2010 02:01 PM CDT, Charles Marcus
> > <cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote:
> >>> On 2010-10-08 2:53 PM, Donny Brooks wrote:
> >> I don't think the version matters much at this point though.
> > 2.0 has been a bit buggy, so in this case, it does matter...
> > Gotcha, so should I stay with the 1.2.xx branch and just use the 
> > mail_convert plugin?
> Or upgrade to 2.0.5 on the new server and still use doveadm - this is
> probably best if you can...

The newest I see for an rpm is 2.0.4 on the atrpms site. We try not to build 
from source due to the way a previous admin messed things up. Any pointers on a 
source for the 2.0.5 rpm?

> Honestly though, I'm not really the best one to be advising you on this
> (I know enough to be dangerous, have played with the tools, but don't
> provide any warranties, etc)...
> > The only issue I have with that one is that I can't do it gradually
> > and it pegs the server for all it has when a user is converted.
> You can convert one or a few at a time, and I don't see any reason why
> you couldn't 'nice' the process somehow (not sure exactly how though)...
> > Is there a better way to migrate from mbox to Maildir and also from
> > old machine to new? That is my end goal, migrate to new machine and
> > to Maildir. Anything else is not really a huge deal.
> I think the best thing would be to do what you need to do to get 2.0.5
> installed on the new server, make sure it is working properly in your
> environment and for your use case, then migrate the users.
> How many users do you have? I'm fairly certain there is a good way to do
> this mostly automated in batches...

We have about 160 users I believe at last count. Mail boxes range in size from 
a few MB to around 8GB. Being a state agency, they tell us we cannot delete any 
mail. This is why I am wanting to switch to Maildir so I can migrate "old" 
messages off to a different machine/disk for archival purposes but still remain 
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Charles
Donny B. 

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