
lets say dovcot should serve 1000 user (only imaps) without rejecting a users connection because of to short resources.
With version 1.x I had to increase login_max_processes_count = ...

With 2.x I'm not sure which parameters I have to set.
So Thunderbird 3.x has a default value of 5 connections to cache. "dovadm who" shows quite often 5 connections:

userx 5 imap  (11154 11152 11158 11156 11150) ...

So dovecot has to be configured for 5000 connections/imap-login's?

Within 10-master.conf these defaults are shown
#default_process_limit = 100
#default_client_limit = 1000

Is it right process_limit is not generally a problem because oldest imap-login process(?) will be closed?
(With this expected number of users this value should be increased too.)

But what about client_limit? Does it has to be increased to 5000?

(There have been some hints by Timo concerning "doveconf -a service" to see how limits will be used for different services.)

Any advices?
Mit freundlichen Gruessen --- Burckhard Schmidt

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