On Oct 4, 2010, at 4:28 PM, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:

> On 4.10.2010, at 22.14, Rick Romero wrote:
>> I already 'touched' a file, and it looked fine, and for giggles I did what 
>> you suggested and the times are correct.  Only using 'deliver' results in a 
>> GMT time.
> Could TZ environment affect it? I wouldn't think so, but that's the only 
> thing I can think of right now (besides stracing).

Good call!  I added that env variable (TZ=CST for me) to my deliver line and 
all is well now.
Funny, I could never find the option in mail.app to use the date field in the 
email.  At least now when I change over to deliver, the time displayed will be 
consistent for anyone like me who can't find the option.

Thanks Timo


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