On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 10:50 +0530, Sherin George wrote:

> "To alleviate this, a server may implement an inactivity timeout,


> unilaterally closing a session (after first sending an untagged BYE,
> as noted above). Some server operators have reported dramatic
> improvements in server performance after doing this. As specified in
> [RFC-2060], if such a timeout is done it must not be until at least 30
> minutes of inactivity. 

"at least 30 minutes"

> So, shouldn't an imap server like dovevot be configured with 30 minutes 
> timeout.

Dovecot has 30 minutes timeout everywhere except in IDLE. It used to do
it also with IDLE, but this broke many widely used clients (Outlook,
Thunderbird and (some versions or a plugin of) Mail.app).

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