On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 22:32:39 +1000
Noel Butler <noel.but...@ausics.net> articulated:

> really? wow how things must have changed in recent years, they used to
> be so, well, debian like, but not quite as bad :)

Touché. The FreeBSD developers do have a bug up their ass regarding GPL
licenses which has effectively slowed down the introduction of some new
(better) software into the base system. This has reportedly led to
sporadic problems with some newer applications being released into the
FreeBSD ports system.

All things considered though, they usually maintain software that is
relatively up-to-date; i.e., Postfix for example. The developers version
is always available and current in the ports system. Most other major
applications follow that general protocol. New releases of Dovecot are
always available, usually only a few days after being released. This
2.x version is not the norm though. It is, as you so clearly stated, a
BETA version. I would like to see FreeBSED release it clearly marked as
a BETA or DEVELOPERS version, aka "USE AT ON RISK". Doing so would
allow it to receive more extensive testing while warning potential
users of the risks involved.

I would comment on Debian; however, I don't want to start a flame war.

Jerry ✌

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