Could I offer our reasoning for choosing Maildir?
I made the decision that we would use Maildir because I was worried
about the effect of loss of a single file. As I understood it, mbox
stores all the messages in single file and, if the file was corrupted
and couldn't be recovered for any reason, then we'd lost a whole lot
of messages.
I do not agree to this view; there are two possible scenarios what could
a) filesystem corruption - with maildir you probably end up with an ugly
mess of unconnected directories, while for mbox you need to find the one
file (per folder) for user x.
b) file is corrupt (altered by two processes, bad sector, filesystem
corruption on file level) - the mbox file can be repaired easily, if you
want, by hand.
For maildir you need to find the affected parts of the directory
structure, probably more than one file will be affected as dovecot needs
to open many nodes simultaneously
In all these cases it is best to have a current backup (which is easy to
say but hard to achieve with classical backup methods for a mail
folder). In either case you could spend hours on fitting pieces together
and even then you are not sure that nothing is missing.
That said, we use maildir and mbox formats for several hundred
mailaccounts in different setups and never had a real corruption
problem, besides one issue with badly formatted From: lines several
years ago.
Jakob Curdes