On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 14:31:28 +0200, Tom Hendrikx <t...@whyscream.net>
> On 14/09/10 10:15, Paweł Madej wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there any possibility to make dspam transport validated emails
>> directly to dovecot LDA? for now I use such schema:
> You can setup dovecot LDA as delivery agent in dspam.conf. Never tried
> it but I think that would work.
> However, I remeber some issue with this setup reported on dspam list:
> when lda cannot deliver the message (storage errors, quota exceeded),
> then your message is lost. No DSN to sender, no bounce, etc. That 's why
> I have postfix in between :)
> LMTP would probably solve that, though.
> Regards,
>       Tom

Thanks for pointing out this problem. I'll try solution with LMTP and
dovecot 2.0.

Paweł Madej

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